C302 - Known Coins

Stolberg's Coin

(Private Collection, Ex Stolberg)

C302 - Stolberg

CO302 - Stolberg

Gluckstadt's Coin

(The Royal Collection of Coins and Medals in Copenhagen, Ex Gluckstadt)

C302 - Gluckstadt

CO302 - Gluckstadt

Bruun's Coin (Staniol copy)

(L.E. Bruuns Coin and Medal Collection, Copenhagen - Schou's staniol copy)

C302 - Bruun

CO302 - Bruun

Bruun's Duplicate (Staniol copy)

(Ex L.E. Bruuns Coin and Medal Collection, Aucion 12 October 1925 - Schou's staniol copy)

C302 - Bruun's Duplicate

CO302 - Bruun's Duplicate

The 5th Coin

(Private Collection)

C302 - The 5th Coin

CO302 - The 5th Coin

The staniol copys were made by H.H.Schou (coin collector and catalogue editor) in the early 20th Century. Bruuns duplicate has not been observed since 1925 but is assumed to be part of a private collection.